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As we weave the practice of gratitude into the fabric of our lives we are building our “gratitude muscles”  and discovering our profound interconnectedness with one another and the environment.  An attitude of gratitude changes lives, empowers us and inspires a new story of caring for the living earth and creating a just and sustainable world for oir children



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The Story of how Gratitude Leads to Hooray for Parenting!



In my long career as a psychotherapist and executive coach, I have always been inspired by new research and new insights into making a difference in peoples’ wellbeing and happiness. So when I discovered the new research on gratitude I began to read everything about it that I could get my hands on. 


I used to think of gratitude as politeness, manners and a warm good feeling when nice things happened for me.  It was about doing the right thing and insisting that my kids write thank you notes.


But then I began to understand gratitude as a deeper, more complex phenomenon than the simple art of saying thank you.  I realized that cultivating a regular practice of gratitude and weaving it into every aspect of life contributes to


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