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Support from Some Wonderful People

“Just finished Mastering the Art of Raising Great Kids. What an amazing job you did on such an important topic particularly at this time in our culture's progress.  For those families where the parents are already raising "Happy, Grateful Kids", the Modules serve as excellent reinforcement. For new parents and those who require guidance in their roles, the Modules should provide both guidance and inspiration. I love the fact that you say "Begin early". Parenting certainly begins at birth!"

   —Karyl Maenza, August 2018, Retired teacher


“I have done several of Jackie’s workshops and they are always life changing –offering insights and tools that foster personal growth and happiness. I recommend this online parenting course as an essential program for anyone committed to raising great kids.”
   —Valerie LoPata, Mother of 2, Owner/Instructor,, New Hartford, NY


“Jackie Michel workshops are terrific. She has helped me focus on creating how I want to be in relationship with my family and has supported my huge commitment to making the world a better place for my grandkids.”
   —Heather Lenkin, Trustee, University of Arizona Foundation; Chairman of the Advisory Board, Honors College, University of Arizona; Trustee, The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Trustee, The World Monuments Fund, Pasadena, CA

“As a mother of three, a biologist and teacher, I recommend you sign up for Mastering the Art of Raising Great Kids today. This course offers a meaningful contribution to our understanding of the importance of connecting to nature as we strive to be great parents.
   —Heather Peretta, NY


“Having done several different workshops led by Jackie in the past, I can whole-heartedly recommend anything she has created. She is insightful, deeply caring, creative and skilled in her delivery of the material and I have personally experienced deeply powerful gifts from my experiences with Jackie. She is a healer and teacher extraordinaire.”
   —Caren Gertner Fritts, Ph. D. Licensed Psychologist, Houston, Texas

“I reviewed your course and it’s very well-designed. From an instructional perspective, the experience offers a wonderful blend of education and insights from you, powerful interview video segments, and peaceful reflection opportunities (loved the music that I believed was played by your talented grandson). Also, it’s really easy to navigate and the visual layout and color scheme look quite professional. The Workbook is also a rich reflective tool. I like how in each Workbook module, you have an introductory area where you share your insights as a lead-in. It does a nice job of tying the Workbook back to you as a thought leader in this area. This is really an incredible learning experience.”
   —Amy Carr

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