Spring brings daffodils, Easter, Passover, Ramadan and Buddha’s Birthday, all occasions for celebrating nature and for sharing your personal beliefs, values and traditions with your children and grandchildren. This year, of course, you want to be careful about the appropriate CDC COVID guidelines for gatherings.
Have you thought about the fact that your traditions and rituals contribute to your child’s sense of identity, family connection and connection to Mother Earth? Revisit the true meaning of the holiday for you personally. Reflect on your values and how you are communicating those to the kids.
Regardless of one’s religious, spiritual or humanistic beliefs, the rituals and traditions you participate in and share with your children bring meaning and purpose, but also the experience of belonging – belonging to family, the wider community, to the past and the future.
When you look back at your own childhood, think about memories you have? How have they informed your identity and sense of who you are? What do you want to pass on to your children? Be mindful of the memories they are storing and the lessons they are learning. What do you want them to remember?
Happy Spring, Happy Holiday - Jackie